"I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life" Words of Jesus from John’s gospel

We are a UK Christian charity with over thirty years experience working with partners in south-west Uganda.  We seek to change lives, transform communities, and build hope.  We partner with Word and Deed Uganda (WADU).

“Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ”

Paul to the Galatians

© 2022 Christian Development Uganda

Statement of Faith

Safeguarding Policy

Privacy Policy

Registered Charity Number 1011451

Click here for WADU’s July Newsletter

Click here for the recent 2024 visit to WADU.  A more detailed version will follow shortly.

Click here for a personal report on the recent visit, by Mike Peachey, one of the trustees.

Click here for a report on the Rising Stars by Abigail Felce, the sponsorship secretary, during the recent visit.

Click here for a personal report on the recent visit, by Catherine Atherstone, a representative of Stanton Harcourt CE Primary School